Breath We Share – Anna Pezzoli

Through the deformation of materials and images, the exhibition Breath We Share works to reduce the surrounding noise to expose something that is organic, vulgar and as disagreeable to contemplate as it is abundant and diffuse – like anatomical ex-votos described by Didi-Huberman.
The gaze turns into a stethoscope for internalized images, uncovering them with the help of language. Does looking come with responsibility – as speaking up does in such upsetting times?
Opening on Friday 4 April
Gallery KHM2,
Bergsgatan 29, third floor
Opening Hours, 5-19 April
Wednesday – Friday 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday – Sunday 12:00 – 16:00
The Master's programme in Fine Arts (MFA) is a two-year graduate programme which includes presenting a solo exhibition at the Academy's gallery.
Om evenemanget
KHM2, Bergsgatan 29 (third floor), Malmö