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Youngjae Lih

Universitetsadjunkt i fri konst

Default user image.

On The Go


  • Youngjae Lih

Summary, in English

How do I memorise the seen, what I am missing while I am looking at something?

Although I am seeing, I miss what I am looking at. So every time I try to look at something again, it disappears every time my eye blinks. I only collected fragments during a day while walking around the whole city. The shops, parks, people and cars, so many of these I passed and nothing was left from my sight. I only remember that I walked alone through huge concrete structures, steel-glass buildings, unfamiliar advertisements, with characters that I can’t read.

The city’s structure reflects its own culture and human experiences, which we as passers by are not aware of, but these images become a very trivial part of daily-life. These small elements are always missed, erased when we blink and we pretend that nothing is missed. Unknown people, shops and old ruins. Only the horizontal open space of the street, simply remind me of someone or somewhere and then all these vanish quickly in the blink of an eye. As the space emerges, it blends with past and future as others memories. So the present is easily forgotten or actually it never existed neither has been seen by our eyes, it has been constructed only with our discrete view of time.


  • Konsthögskolan i Malmö






Konstnärligt arbete


Fotografisk center


  • Visual Arts

