Malmö Art Academy alumni Carin Alegre Castegren recieves Helle Stigung travel scholarship, to "a to a young promising practitioner of the art of painting".
Alegre Castegren recieves the scholarship of 20.000 SEK, with the motivation:
"Carin Castegren has developed a subtle painting that depends on attention. After the first stroke indicating method and material, all is vibrant confidence, a trust that the image will find its own way, and that the role of the artist is to follow and record it."*
Alegre Castegren graduated from Malmö Art Academy's Master's programme during the spring of 2024. For her final Master's project she displayed som of her paintings as part of the exhibition Tremeluz. Read all about the exhibition, and see photos here.
We congratulate Carin Alegre Castegren on her scholarship!
* Authors translation from Swedish.