Scholarships and grants
Project grants
Applications for project grants are considered at every meeting with the institutional board, approximately once a month.
Project grant applications must be submitted no later than ten days before the date of the institutional board meeting. The application should be handed in to Lotta Österberg.
The pedagogical aim with the project grant is that the students can practice writing project applications in which a well-defined artistic project is described and presented.
The application must consist of 1) a written project description, 2) a motivation and 3) a project budget. The budget must clearly state if Swedish VAT (moms) is included or not. Remember that purchases made outside of Sweden do not have deductible VAT.
The following applies for project grants:
- A project application must include a project description, a motivation and a budget.
- No contribution will be granted to material costs in connection with the student's regular work.
- No contribution will be granted to cover travel costs (exceptions can be made in extraordinary occasions).
- No contribution will be granted to hire/employ another person*.
- No contribution will be granted to an already performed and completed project.
- No contribution will be granted to graduating students since they already have a grant for their exam project.
- The teachers will take into consideration whether the project is a new approach or has a significant meaning to the applicant’s work when considering the application.
If you are unsure whether you have included all relevant parts in your project application or not, you are welcome to contact Lotta Österberg for advice.
If you are awarded a grant
If you are awarded a grant and want to avoid spending your own money while waiting for reimbursement, students can alternatively:
Go to Lotta and get a requisition valid in a specific store. The store can then send an invoice directly to the school.
Ask the technicians to make an order directly in the name of Malmö Art Academy.
Grant recipients can also pay themselves and get reimbursed later on after handing in the receipt:
For smaller purchases and/or at companies that do not accept requisitions or send invoices, please pay with your own money, cash or card, and you will be reimbursed by the school afterwards by handing in your receipt. The school can only reimburse students if the receipt is complete, that is that the following facts are stated on the receipt:
- The company name
- Date of purchase
And if Swedish receipts:
- Company’s VAT number
- The VAT specified
Regarding the VAT it doesn’t matter if it’s the school that pays via an invoice or if the student pays themself and gets reimbursed later.
Normally Lotta will transfer the money to the individual's bank account. For this option, submit the bank name and info, the clearing number and account number. If it isn’t a Swedish bank account the name of the bank, the BIC/SWIFT code and the IBAN number of the account is needed.
It is possible to use the budget to buy prints and material in the school shop. Inform the staff which budget you are using.
Project grant money is public funds targeted at Lund University and there are specific rules regulating the use of these funds. Goods that do not have the character of consumable material but have a more lasting value, such as technical equipment, are classified as the university’s property. Therefore the departmental board will not grant any funds for that kind of expenses. However, it is ok to rent equipment but always speak with the technicians first.
* It is very costly to employ a person. In addition to the fee, it is required to pay social costs and the person employed must pay tax on the money earned. Therefore no contribution will be granted for this kind of costs.
Charlotta Österberg
charlotta [dot] osterberg [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se (charlotta[dot]osterberg[at]khm[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 40 32 57 02
Useful Scholarship addresses
Svenska institutet (si)
Nordiska kulturfonden
Region skåne
Stipendier förvaltade av malmö museum
NOTE: Keep an eye on the bulletin board in the library where we allocate smaller scholarships!
Exam project budget
Read more about your budget for the examining exhibition