Schedule, IT and digital platforms
Your personalised schedule in TimeEdit gives you an overview of your courses and other school-related events. By starting a subscription in TimeEdit, you can access your schedule in a digital calendar.
How to subscribe to your schedule in TimeEdit
Login for students
Login for staff
- Select Lund University as your organization.
- Select K-faculty - Students
- Log in with your Lucat/student identity.
- Click on Konsthögskolan Schema
- Search courses (or leave blank to search all), click on courses you are interested in to get them in My choices Click View schedule to view schedule. Don't forget to include Information KHM to get other information about lectures, student forums etc.
- Add a subscription to your digital calendar
- Click on Subscribe on the top right part of the TimeEdit page.
- Set the time span for the subscription. Select 4 weeks and the calendar will update automatically.
- Then copy the link - the upper one for Android/Google/Outlook, the lower one for iOS/OS X/iCal.
- Log in to your Google account via Gmail, for example.
- Go to the calendar via the app icon. You can find it next to the login button.
- In the left column of the calendar view you will find Other calendars. Click on the arrow and select Add a URL.
- Paste the link and click on Add a calendar.
- Select Calendar and click on Open Calendar. Select From Internet and paste the link.
- If you use Mac, go to webmail and select calendar. Select add calendar -> subscribe from internet and paste link.
- Open the calendar program iCal.
- Select New calendar subscription in the File menu.
- Paste the link, and click on Subscribe.
- In the next view you can change how often the calendar is updated. Select the update frequency and click OK
Good to know about the schedule
- Keep yourself updated! There may be small changes in the schedule during the academic year.
- Do you have questions about the schedule? Contact us and we will help you.
Here you will find information about the fall semester introduction schedules, courses and calendar.
Contact | IT questions
Joakim Sima
IT technician
E-mail: joakim [dot] sima [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se (joakim[dot]sima[at]khm[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 40 32 57 26
Students and staff can connect wirelessly to the school's network called Eduroam. It is an encrypted network used by a number of universities around the world.