The students will present projects engaging with pedagogy in their practices through a variety of approaches. Through research based performance, Elena Strempek explores the lecture and the meditation class as different pedagogical formats which share the desire of the transformation of the subject. Lucy Smalley invites the public to a collaborative drawing workshop to form a collective vision of an unseen future. Kezia Pritchard will give a presentation of her work with the rural community of Knislinge around Wanås sculpture park, highlighting elements of dialogue and movement in her work. Karen Bohøj uses ethnofiction to consider the personal archive of her grandmother as an enabler of transgenerational learning. Max Ockborn will launch a publication presenting perspectives on material memory, reconciliation and monumentality, all in relation to the so-called Hitler-stones, which the Swedish stone industry sold to the Nazis during World War II. Ieke Trinks presents her research investigating the pedagogical aspects of mediating performance art through her work in which she reenacts artists verbal accounts of their performances. LARP techniques are brought to the arts in Francis Patrick Brady’s project which departs from a secret dinner being re-larped, and also analyzed in a public symposium. Angel Nuñez Pombo connects the work of two separate groups of students, studying computer programming and music performance. The result of the student’s work will be presented as an interactive video installation, accompanied with documentation of the collaborative work leading up to the final presentation.
Critical & Pedagogical Studies is Master of Fine Arts programme working across borders between art theory, practice and pedagogy. Please join us at these events to learn more about what students in the programme have been working on.
Exam projects:
Sketches for an Unseen Future
What do we expect our world to be like in ten years time? What would we want it to look like if we were the architects of our future? When we try to predict or design things for an unseen future there cannot be a right or wrong, everyone’s ideas are equally as valid. This is an all-ages event where drawings produced during our workshop will be combined into a book, living on as a collaborative document to be held by Skissernas Museum. No experience or artistic skill is required – together we will anonymously sketch for the future.
Lucy Smalley is an artist who specialises in the intersection between drawing practices and pedagogy. Her current research aims to open up new discursive spaces through a social engagement with art making processes.
Location, Date, & Time:
Skissernas Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art
Finngatan 2, 223 62 Lund, Sweden
Drop-in workshop
For more info email: lucy_victoria [at] live [dot] com
Thursday, 16 March, 18:00 - 20:45
Chimaera Class – In Between Multiple Heads
The lecture and the meditation class are different pedagogical formats which share the desire of the transformation of the subject. Both could be seen as inadequate, proliferating a high performance culture, boosting the participant's capability to work – intelligently and efficiently. But can we use them to find a way to perform with our own agency? Following an anarchaeological approach, images from the past will perform on us. We will close our eyes, we will hear many tongues. We might lose our heads, and find others to put on. Likewise: forepart lion, rearpart snake, middle she-goat.
Elena Strempek is an artist and art historian working across the disciplines through research-based performance.
Location, Date, & Time:
Skånes konstförening
Bragegatan 15, 214 30 Malmö, Sweden
Each class is limited to 15 participants. Please sign up by sending an email to:
chimaeraclass [at] strempek [dot] de
Friday, 17 March, 20:00
Saturday, 18 March, 20:00
Sunday, 19 March, 20:00
The Feast of the Red Herring
Imitating the concept of a secret society dinner, the Feast of the Red Herring creates a place where the roles of ordinary society may be reversed. After the secret dinner the setting and leftovers from the actual event will be opened to the public at Moderna Museet; featuring pieces made by invited artists. There will be a public symposium where those involved in the dinner will be invited back to be asked questions and open up a discussion around the topics that may or may not have come up during dinner. Following this, two public workshops will be held to re-play and re-imagine the secret dinner through roleplay and with the use of Nordic LARP techniques.
Francis Patrick Brady is an artist and pedagogue based in Malmö whose work creates artistic games as enigmatic compositions that utilise storytelling and worldbuilding. These games reject participation as a simple immersive technique and instead play in between the aesthetic possibilities of agency and collaboration.
Location, Date, & Time:
Moderna Museet Malmö
Ola Billgrens plats 2-4, 211 29 Malmö, Sweden
Public symposium: Friday, 24 March, 14:00-17:00
LARP workshops (Registration required, limited to 14 participants):
Saturday, 25 March, 14:00-17:00
Sunday, 26 March, 14:00-17:00
To sign up email: francis [dot] p [dot] brady [at] gmail [dot] com (francis[dot]p[dot]brady[at]gmail[dot]com)
One Performance is Many Performances
Many performances are experienced through documentation and subject to becoming myths but what is lost and what is gained in this transmission? For her Performance Monologues, Ieke Trinks asks a performance artist to describe one of their performances. She then records and performs the same lines for an audience in a location selected for the particular monologue. In March she will perform a series of these monologues in various locations. The final presentation of the project will take place at Nikolaj Kunsthal, and will include a monologue based on Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen’s work, followed by Rasmussen’s own recounting of the performance. The performances will be followed by a presentation reflecting on the project.
Ieke Trinks is a performance artist who has presented her work internationally. She also organizes performance art events and is a member of the performance collective Trickster.
Location, Date, & Time:
Nikolaj Kunsthal
Nikolaj Plads 10, 1067 Copenhagen, Denmark
Thursday, 30 March, 19:00
For more performance times and dates see
Study for a Quartet
This project entails the organization of two workshops, one in Coruña, Spain with music students and another one in Vienna, Austria with art and architecture students familiarized with programing and interactive installations. Through a collaboration with the students of both workshops, an interactive installation is developed. This video installation shows musicians playing a classical quartet and through the use of computer programming software, the movements of the spectators will trigger the playback of the composition, creating yet another form of interaction between players and spectators.
Angel Nuñez Pombo is a visual artist from Spain. He studied at Universidad Complutense in Madrid and holds an MFA in Sculpture and New Media at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA, USA.http://angelnuñ
Location, Date, & Time:
Inter Arts Center
Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö, Sweden
Thursday, 30 March & Friday, 31 March 2017
Time: To be announced
Vattnet vet (The water knows)
Kezia Pritchard will present her artwork Vattnet vet (The water knows), created with the local residents of Knislinge and the surrounding areas, in the sculpture park at Wanås Konst. The presentation will include a description of the project and an insight into the artist’s research on dialogue as an art form, oral history, storytelling and her pedagogical methods involving walking and dialogue.
Kezia Pritchard’s work currently deals with dialogue and movement in relation to art pedagogy. She previously studied Fine Art in London and Trondheim and has exhibited her work internationally.
Location, Date, & Time:
Wanås Konst / The Wanås Foundation
289 90 Knislinge, Sweden
Sunday, 16 April, 14:00
Someone put a stone on another stone, but they are not our stones, they are the stone’s stones, and that which is material has a lifespan that will sooner or later dissolve into smaller parts and become transformed into something else.
The project seeks to find out how art can function as a reconciliatory force; suggesting that art and culture cannot be too interested in themselves, they should rather serve as helpful tools. In this particular case the focus is on the so-called Hitler-stones, which the Swedish stone industry sold to the Nazis during World War II, and how we can think about these stones today. During a two-day seminar a publication will be released alongside lectures, a documentary screening and a discussion on the subjects brought up through the process of the project. The seminar will be held in the Anti-Apartheid Room at the Malmö Art Academy where the course: The world turned upside down: art and ethics in the rise of the stone age south, is happening during spring 2017.
Max Ockborn’s art has the character of both nomadic rites and the thoughtful escape of the mind. Materials are to be dissolved into appearances: humour, craftsmanship and mysticism, with traces of longing and loss, existential matters and memory all have their share in his art.
Location, Date, & Time:
Malmö Art Academy, Anti-Apartheid Room
Föreningsgatan 42, 203 11 Malmö, Sweden
Monday, 24 April, 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday, 25 April, 10:00 - 16:00
The personal archive is explored and questioned by the objects and stories we inherit as they are passed on over generations. Through conversations with my grandmother and everyday observations, her life stories, archive and our relationship will be depicted through a video and presentation that looks at transgenerational learning. Focus is on a women's group, Club 92, that she initiated in 1992, and how organizing collectives creates communities that have meaning both then and now.
Karen Bohøj’s work revolves around the notion of instructions, repetition and memory. She often uses ethnofiction as an approach and is interested in the ambiguity between fiction and documentary. She explores this through video and photography.
Location, Date, & Time:
To be announced
For more information please contact:
Maj Hasager
Programme Director of Critical & Pedagogical Studies
maj [dot] hasager [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se
Laura Hatfield
Programme Administrator of Critical & Pedagogical Studies
laura [dot] hatfield [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se
For more info on each student's individual exam project see below or download the 2017 Exam Project Folder here